When you’ve eaten too much banana bread
Among the serious problems that marked the hard lockdown of 2020, were the lesser frustrations that belong more in the notorious First World Problem category. Problems like “What can I do in my leisure time now that outside is forbidden?” and “Why did I panic-buy all these bananas?” seemed to manifest in a viral trend of banana bread baking – and social documenting.
Enter Nabeeha Mohamed.
This up-and-coming artist is a master of this awkward tension between privilege and poverty, between problems of the mountainous and the molehill-ish kind.
Inspired by this social baking mania, she created a fantastic watercolour collage. It was posted on Instagram, attracted lots of likes (including ours) and sold in no time. But, luckily for all of us, Nabeeha decided to recreate the collage as an original screen print for 50ty/50ty.
The process was almost as beautiful as the final result: click here for video