A good show in Paradiso – More about October’s artist Olivié Keck
Olivié Keck (b.1989) is a young artist who employs a diverse range of techniques in the service of her ideas: Her concept dictates the medium – selected from an expanding repertoire including printmaking, embroidery, quilting, ceramics and koki drawings. Keck’s themes centre on the digital landscape and new perceptions of romanticism and intimacy that it has spawned, as well as the theatre of human behaviour and a celebration of the ordinary. The resultant body of work is one that relishes playful experimentation, bold colour and subversive, witty storytelling.
Keck also moonlights as a professional illustrator – affording her a creative overlap she enjoys from both an aesthetic and philosophical point of view, flippantly dismissing the distinction between ‘highbrow’ and ‘lowbrow’ art. In this regard, her 50ty/50ty artwork offered a unique opportunity to marry her illustrative and fine art disciplines.
Keck will be holding her sixth solo show at the end of October, and has participated in numerous group exhibitions, both local and international. She recently returned from a residency at the Kala Institute in Berkeley, USA.
Purchase “A good show in Paradiso” here.